Human progress
We assume that contact won’t happen before humanity reaches a certain level in its development. We consider humanity to be a young species because we have not solved our fundamental problems yet. We measure progress in human development based on several factors seen below. We have collected some of the most important. The statistics below will be changed, updated and added as times go by.
Our aim is 100 %.
Bytheway, reaching 100 % in all is not to say that society will be perfect, but it will be in much better shape than before. Just a few decades ago the percentage was much lower. The world is making progress in total more or less each year, with some setbacks occasionally, as the wars in Ukraine and Gaza shows us. On the other hand, we don’t think we need to achieve 100 % on everything before contact.
And there is much going on under the surface that all the data and media don’t see.
There is a great awakening taking place right now. We must also consider that humanity is undergoing much change and redemption. This is creating disruptions around the world, which is necessary for something new to emerge.
Question to ChatGPT (answer below):
What does it take for humanity to make contact with highly Evolved Beings?
Love indicator
We have summarized all the percents below. The higher the percentage the more compassion, empathy, sharing, and cooperation will we see in the society . In other words, more love.
For the datasource below, click on each line.
The statistic comes from the UN, The World Bank, Gapminder and many more.
- Heading for peace – The economic impact of war and violence on the global economy in 2023 was $19.1 trillion equivalent to 13.5 % of the world’s economic activity (PPP terms). (Data from Vision of Humanity.) Because of the war in Ukraine and Gaza, this goal of less spending on weapons has unfortunately increased. So this percentage is reduced from 87 % to 81 % (our estimate). 81%
- Freedom in the World – (data from Freedom House) 45%
- Reducing inequality – 1% have more wealth than the rest of the world combined (data from Oxfam). Note! We have increased the percent with 4 because many rich people have given much of their wealth to charity (source: The Giving Pledge). 9%
- Tax havens – it is estimated that there is some $ 21-32 trillion in financial assets hidden in secrecy. We use the lowest number of 21 $ trillion in PPP terms. (Data from Tax Justice Network.) 82%
- Reducing corruption – (data from Transparency International) 43%
- Eradicating extreme poverty – Number of people in the world who live over $2.15 a day is 694 million in 2024 (data from The World Bank). 92%
- Renewable energy – Global primary energy consumption (2023) of renewable energy compared to traditional sources (data from Energy Institute). 16%
- Gender equality – 24 % females in all national parliaments (data from The United Nations). Note! Because the aim in Gender equality is 50 % we have doubled the percents from 24 to 48. 48%
- School – Amount of girls finish primary school in all low-income countries across the world (data from Gapminder). Note! Only 9 percent of the world lives in low-income countries (source: the book Factfulness) 60%
In this 8-minute video, Vishen Lakhiani from Mindvalley shares what the world could look like – planet Earth’s own Starship Enterprise: a place with no borders, no religions, just a human race existing as ONE.
This is the future of humanity.
Measuring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals:
«There are no other solutions to the world’s problems than a change in consciousness.»